Book «Therapeutic Speech Massage» by Elena A. Dyakova now in English
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Learn a Revolutionary Approach to treating Speech Disorders
THERAPEUTIC SPEECH MASSAGE is the groundbreaking book by internationally-known speech pathologist Dr. Elena Dyakova. In her work, she describes methods and techniques and offers suggestions for using massage in the treatment of various speech disorders. Therapeutic Speech Massage (TSM) is a technique that normalizes all the components of speech: breath support, vocalization, resonance and articulation, as well as the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders. Primarily targeting college students and practitioners specializing in Speech Language Pathology (SLP), disability specialists and medical staff, Dyakova’s work contains valuable and practical material that will also benefit parents of children with speech disorders.
Revolutionary Approach for Speech Disorders
Nearly ten years have passed since the first book, Therapeutic Speech Massage, was written. The book was published in Russia in 2003, 2005, 2010 and 2012. During this period, Therapeutic Speech Massage (TSM) gained wide popularity among practicing Speech-Language-Pathologists. In the past decade, it has been gratifying to observe the interest speech therapists have had in mastering TSM. Workshops have included Speech-Language-Pathologists from many different cities of Russia as well as former countries of Russian Federation. An appreciable interest in learning the technique of TSM was also exhibited in Western Europe and the USA. It is clear that this interest is due to the increased effectiveness of those speech therapists who use Therapeutic Speech Massage in their practice. TSM is a technique that normalizes all the components of speech: breath support, vocalization, resonance and articulation, as well as the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders. TSM is based on a thorough understanding of the interactions and relationships between the speech muscles and muscles of the face, head, neck and shoulders. Research has shown that “primary” muscles will be more receptive to the effects of massage when other muscles which are connected to them are treated first. TSM utilizes this “sequencing” approach when massage of the muscles controlling speech and voice is indicated. This step by step approach is the defining characteristic of TSM. Dr. Dyakova’s techniques can be helpful for increasing patient abilities of muscle restrictions in order to increase movement. This makes for quicker and more successful treatment outcomes.The reader will be guided through Dr. Dyakova’s methods by more than 250 illustrations.
About the Author
Dr. Elena Dyakova is an associate professor of speech pathology at Moscow State Humanitarian University and is a research fellow at the Moscow Medical Academy where she conducts research, speech therapy, and is a consultant dealing with children and adults who exhibit severe speech disorders. She received the degree of Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) from Moscow State Pedagogical University in speech pathology. She has been a member of the International Fluency Association since 1997. Over the last decade, Dr. Dyakova has developed a significant new approach to the treatment of a wide variety of speech disorders – Therapeutic Speech Massage (TSM). She has been using TSM for a number of years with unusual success. She has presented workshops and seminars throughout western Russia and in 20 International Conferences. Aside from an instructional manual on TSM, she has also produced an instructional film and written three other textbooks and more than sixty articles for professional journals. Since 2010, she has been the president of the International Institute of Speech Pathology in the United States where she provides seminars on TSM and other innovative techniques of speech therapy.
ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4691-9305-2
ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-4691-9306-9
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-4691-9307-6
Copyright © 2013. Elena Dyakova. All rights reserved.